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    Surface temperature probe with magnet (TC type K)

    0602 4892
    $424.00 $466.40
  1. Self-adhesive thanks to a magnet: probe for measuring surface temperature on metal surfaces
  2. TC Type K temperature probe with 1.6 m cable
  3. Measuring range: -50 to +400 °C
  4. Temperature probe with magnet for surface measurements on metal surfaces.

    Use this temperature probe with thermocouple (TC) sensor to carry out measurements of surface temperatures of up to +400 °C. Thanks to the magnet, the probe adheres to metal surfaces all by itself. The magnet's adhesive force is 10 N. 

    The surface probe features a 1.6 m cable.

    This Type K, Class 2 thermocouple probe has a standardized accuracy of ±2.5 °C or 0.0075 x I t I (the higher value applies). This means that at a temperature of +400 °C, this probe has an accuracy of ±3 °C (since 0.0075 x 400 °C = 3 °C).

    The perfect probe for any application
    Don't see the temperature probe you are looking for? Please contact us directly. We have a large range of standard temperature probes and we also manufacture customized probes specifically according to your personal requirements.

    1 x TC Type K temperature probe 0602 4892.

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                                                          • Temperature - TC Type K (NiCr-Ni)

                                                            Measuring range
                                                            -50 to +400 °C
                                                            Class 2 ¹⁾
                                                            1) According to standard EN 60584-1, the accuracy of Class 2 refers to -40 to +1200 °C.

                                                            General technical data

                                                            72 g
                                                            Adhesive force
                                                            10 N
                                                            Length probe shaft tip
                                                            25 mm
                                                            Diameter probe shaft
                                                            21 mm
                                                            Cable length
                                                            1.47 m
                                                            Fixed cable
                                                            Length probe shaft
                                                            75 mm
                                                            Product colour
                                                            silver; Black
                                                            plug thermocouple