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    Hot ball probe (Ø 3 mm, digital) - including temperature sensor, wired

    0635 1051
    612,00€ 734,40€
  1. Non-directional flow measurement with unknown flow direction
  2. Integrated temperature measurement and absolute pressure compensation for accurate measurement results
  3. Intelligent calibration concept
  4. Flow measuring range: 0 to +10 m/s
  5. The hot ball probe (in conjunction with the appropriate measuring instrument) is ideal for determining flow velocity and temperature.
    Use the hot ball probe (thermal anemometer) to determine flow velocity and volume flow. It is particularly suitable for low flow velocities of up to +10 m/s – primarily for non-directional, undefined air flows. The probe can also measure temperatures of up to +70 °C at the same time.

    The hot ball probe is equipped with a telescope, which can be extended to a maximum length of 860 mm. With a diameter of just 3 mm, the probe is ideal for measurements in narrow, inaccessible places.

    Intelligent calibration concept

    The probe offers maximum digital measurement reliability. The digital probe allows readings to be processed directly in the probe. This technology eliminates instrument measurement uncertainty. The probe can be returned on its own (without the measuring instrument) for calibration. Calculating the determined calibration data in the probe generates a zero-error display.

    Hot ball probe (Ø 3 mm) with telescope (can be extended to 860 mm) including fixed plug-in head cable.

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                                      • NTC

                                        Měřicí rozsah
                                        -20 do +70 °C
                                        ±0,5 °C

                                        Absolutní tlak

                                        Měřicí rozsah
                                        +700 do +1100 hPa
                                        ±3,0 hPa
                                        0,1 hPa

                                        Rychlost proudění

                                        Měřicí rozsah
                                        0 do +10 m/s
                                        ±(0,03 m/s + 5 % z mv)