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    Junction box for external probes

    8793 0042
  1. Integration of two external probes via 0...10 V or 4...20 mA inputs
  2. For connection to testo 150 TUC4 data logger
  3. Integrated power supply for external probes and data loggers
  4. Easy installation and commissioning
  5. This component is part of the testo Saveris 1 environmental monitoring system. The modular system records and analyzes your critical environmental data, alerts you immediately if limit values are violated and can help you optimize your processes.

    The junction box allows two external probes to be integrated into the Saveris 1 system via the testo 150 TUC4 data logger module.

    Commercially available probes with 0...10 V or 4...20 mA output signal and a suitable supply voltage of 24 V can be connected.

    The probes can be equipped with a suitably configured connection cable or provided by the customer.

    1x junction box, 1x mains plug for power supply, 1x micro USB cable to testo 150 TUC4, 2x connection cables to testo 150 TUC4