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    2. ISO calibration certificate/velocity

    ISO calibration certificate/velocity - with selectable measuring points

    0520 0104
  1. Calibration points freely selectable in the range 0.5 to 27 m/s
  2. For anemometers and Pitot tubes
  3. According to ISO standard
  4. This certificate documents the ISO calibration of your measuring instrument/probe. Calibration is carried out at selectable measuring points within the range 0.5 m/s to 27 m/s.

    ISO calibration certificate for flow with selectable measuring points between 0.5 and 27 m/s.

  5. 100 mm vane probe head
    100 mm vane probe head
      0635 9430
      $795.00 $874.50
    • 16 mm vane probe head including temperature sensor
      16 mm vane probe head including temperature sensor
        0635 9570
        $1 409.00 $1 549.90
      • Fume cupboard probe (digital), wired
        Fume cupboard probe (digital) - wired
          0635 1052
          $1 682.00 $1 850.20
        • High-precision 100 mm vane probe head including temperature sensor
          High-precision 100 mm vane probe head including temperature sensor
            0635 9370
            $1 764.00 $1 940.40
          • High-precision vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) with Bluetooth® including temperature sensor
            High-precision vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) - with Bluetooth® including temperature sensor
              0635 9371
              $2 096.00 $2 305.60
            • High-precision vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) including temperature sensor, wired
              High-precision vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) - including temperature sensor, wired
                0635 9372
                $2 040.00 $2 244.00
              • Hot wire probe (digital) with Bluetooth® including temperature and humidity sensor
                Hot wire probe (digital) - with Bluetooth® including temperature and humidity sensor
                  0635 1571
                  $1 863.00 $2 049.30
                • Hot wire probe (digital) including temperature and humidity sensor, wired
                  Hot wire probe (digital) - including temperature and humidity sensor, wired
                    0635 1572
                    $1 809.00 $1 989.90
                  • Hot wire probe (digital) including temperature sensor, wired
                    Hot wire probe (digital) - including temperature sensor, wired
                      0635 1032
                      $600.00 $660.00
                    • Hot wire probe head including temperature and humidity sensor
                      Hot wire probe head including temperature and humidity sensor
                        0635 1570
                        $1 329.00 $1 461.90
                      • Vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) with Bluetooth® including temperature sensor
                        Vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) - with Bluetooth® including temperature sensor
                          0635 9431
                          $1 139.00 $1 252.90
                        • Vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) including temperature sensor, wired
                          Vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) - including temperature sensor, wired
                            0635 9432
                            $1 056.00 $1 161.60
                          • Vane probe (Ø 16 mm, digital) with Bluetooth®, including temperature sensor
                            Vane probe (Ø 16 mm, digital) - with Bluetooth®, including temperature sensor
                              0635 9571
                              $2 020.00 $2 222.00
                            • Vane probe (Ø 16 mm, digital) including temperature sensor, wired
                              Vane probe (Ø 16 mm, digital) - including temperature sensor, wired
                                0635 9572
                                $1 946.00 $2 140.60
                              • Vane probe (Ø 16 mm, digital) wired
                                Vane probe (Ø 16 mm, digital) - wired
                                  0635 9532
                                  $749.00 $823.90
                                • testo 405i - thermal anemometer with smartphone operation
                                    0560 1405
                                    $265.00 $291.50
                                  • testo 410i - vane anemometer with smartphone operation
                                      0560 1410
                                      $224.00 $246.40
                                    • testo 440 100 mm Vane Kit with Bluetooth®
                                      testo 440 100 mm Vane Kit with Bluetooth®
                                        0563 4403
                                        $1 699.00 $1 868.90
                                      • testo 440 16 mm Vane Kit
                                        testo 440 16 mm Vane Kit
                                          0563 4401
                                          $1 382.00 $1 520.20
                                        • testo 440 Air Flow ComboKit 1 with Bluetooth®t 1 with Bluetooth
                                          testo 440 Air Flow ComboKit 1 with Bluetooth®
                                            0563 4406
                                          • testo 440 Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth®
                                            testo 440 Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth®
                                              0563 4407
                                              $2 493.00 $2 742.30
                                            • testo 440 Hot Wire Kit
                                              testo 440 Hot Wire Kit
                                                0563 4400
                                                $1 348.00 $1 482.80
                                              • testo 440 Delta P Air Flow ComboKit 1 with Bluetooth®
                                                testo 440 delta P Air Flow ComboKit 1 with Bluetooth®
                                                  0563 4409
                                                • testo 440 Delta P Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth®
                                                  testo 440 delta P Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth®
                                                    0563 4410
                                                    $3 926.00 $4 318.60
                                                  • testo 400 air flow kit with 16 mm vane probe
                                                    testo 400 air flow kit with 16 mm vane probe
                                                      0563 0400 72
                                                      $6 535.00 $7 188.50
                                                    • testo 400 air flow kit with hot wire probe
                                                      testo 400 air flow kit with hot wire probe
                                                        0563 0400 71
                                                        $6 402.00 $7 042.20
                                                      • testo Smart Probes HVAC/R Ultimate kit
                                                        testo Smart Probes HVAC/R Ultimate kit
                                                          0563 0002 32
                                                          $2 179.00 $2 396.90
                                                        • testo Smart Probes VAC Kit delivery
                                                          testo Smart Probes VAC kit
                                                            0563 0003 10
                                                            $918.00 $1 009.80
                                                          • General technical data

                                                            Product-/housing material
                                                            Product colour