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    testo 557s - Smart digital manifold with Bluetooth and 4-way valve block

    0564 5570
  1. Svi rezultati na prvi pogled zahvaljujući velikom grafičkom zaslonu
  2. Izuzetno kompaktan i pouzdan zahvaljujući robusnom kućištu s jednostavnim rukovanjem s razredom zaštite IP 54
  3. Jednostavno, bežično mjerenje vakuuma i temperature putem automatske Bluetooth® veze
  4. Još veća fleksibilnost za vaša mjerenja i dokumentiranje s testo Smart aplikacijom
  5. The testo 557s digital manifold with Bluetooth and a 4-way valve block features a large graphic display, a compact, robust housing, guided measurement menus and the testo Smart App. Top-quality measurement technology, a high degree of reliability and smart functions for quick, easy measurements and documentation make the testo 557s manifold a reliable partner for your commissioning, servicing and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems and heat pumps.
    • not available

      Svi rezultati na prvi pogled zahvaljujući velikom grafičkom zaslonu.

    Jednostavna, fleksibilnija mjerenja i dokumentiranje: S digitalnim manometrom testo 557s s Bluetoothom i četverosmjernim blokom ventila bit ćete idealno opremljeni za svoje mjerne zadatke u sklopu puštanja u pogon, servisiranja i održavanja rashladnih i klimatizacijskih sustava i toplinskih dizalica.

    testo 557s – Pametni digitalni manometar s Bluetooth tehnologijom i četverosmjernim blokom ventila

    • Za izuzetno brza mjerenja na rashladnim i klimatizacijskim sustavima i toplinskim pumpama
    • Veliki grafički zaslon za jednostavnu procjenu rezultata mjerenja
    • Pohranjeni programi vode vas kroz mjerenje i omogućuju automatsko određivanje ključnih parametara sustava, kao što su pregrijavanje, ispitivanje pada tlaka ili evakuacija
    • Jednostavno rukovanje, uz maksimalnu fleksibilnost za vašu primjenu: Bluetooth sonde za mjerenje temperature, tlaka i vlažnosti automatski se spajaju na manometar
    • testo Smart aplikaciju: Stvorite digitalnu dokumentaciju odmah na mjestu, postavite svoje favorite, uvijek imajte najnovija rashladna sredstva zahvaljujući automatskim ažuriranjima
    • Neprestano visoke performanse u svim uvjetima: Možete se osloniti na ovaj manometar tvrtke Testo – on kombinira provjerenu Testo kvalitetu i izvrsnu robusnost

    Jeste li zainteresirani za ovaj mjerni instrument? Testo je za vas sastavio praktični testo 550i Smart set – tako da ćete biti optimalno opremljeni za trenutno rješavanje vaših mjernih zadataka.


    Measuring range
    −50 to +150 °C
    ±0,5 °C
    0,1 °C
    Probe connection
    2 x Plug-in (NTC)

    Pressure measurement

    Measuring range
    −1 to 60 bar
    ±0,5 % fs
    0,01 bar
    Probe connection
    3 x 7/16" – UNF + 1 x 5/8'' – UNF
    Overload rel. (high pressure)
    65 bar

    General technical data

    1243 g
    229 x 112,5 x 71 mm (LxWxH)
    Operating temperature
    −20 to +50 °C
    Protection class
    Product colour
    10 min*
    Battery life
    250 h with no illumination, no Bluetooth<sup>&reg;</sup>h (without illumination, without Bluetooth®, without vacuum probe); 100 h with illumination and Bluetooth<sup>&reg;</sup>
    Battery type
    4 x type AA batteries
    Radio range
    150 m
    Pressure media
    Refrigerants in instrument
    R114; R12; R123; R1233zd; R1234yf; R1234ze; R124; R125; R13; R134a; R22; R23; R290; R32; R401A; R401B; R402A; R402B; R404A; R407A; R407C; R407F; R407H; R408A; R409A; R410A; R414B; R416A; R420A; R421A; R421B; R422B; R422C; R422D; R424A; R427A; R434A; R437A; R438A; R442A; R444B; R448A; R449A; R450A; R452A; R452B; R453a; R454A; R454B; R454C; R455A; R458A; R500; R502; R503; R507; R513A; R600a; R718 (H₂O); R744 (CO₂)
    System requirements
    requires iOS 11.0 or newer; requires Android 6.0 or newer; requires mobile end device with Bluetooth 4.0
    Refrigerants update via App
    R11; FX80; I12A; R1150; R1270; R13B1; R14; R142B; R152A; R161; R170; R227; R236fa; R245fa; R401C; R406A; R407B; R407D; R41; R411A; R412A; R413A; R417A; R417B; R417C; R422A; R426A; R508A; R508B; R600; RIS89; SP22
    A2L / A3 compatibel
    Storage temperature
    −20 to +60 °C
    * when not connected via Bluetooth


  6. Accessories
    testo 560i delivery
    testo 560i - Digitalna vaga za rashladno sredstvo s Bluetooth tehnologijom
      0564 1560
      € 269,00 € 336,25
    • Accessories
      testo Smart APP
      Aplikacija testo Smart sa čitavim nizom funkcija - dostupna  za besplatno preuzimanje
        0501 5001
      • Accessories
        PC Software testo DataControl
        Free download: testo DataControl PC software
          0501 4000
        • Accessories
          Magnetic strap
          Magnetska traka za digitalne manometre 
            0564 1001
            € 50,00 € 62,50
          • Accessories
            Valve replacement kit 0554 5570
            Valve replacement kit for two valve positioners
              0554 5570
              € 36,50 € 45,63
            • Accessories
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              testo 565i Smart Vacuum Pump
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                € 500,00 € 625,00
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                testo 565i
                testo 565i Smart Vacuum Pump
                  0564 5653
                  € 650,00 € 812,50
                • Refrigeration systems, air conditioning systems, heat pumps

                  • Determination of high and low pressure, automatic determination of condensation and evaporation temperature and calculation of superheating/subcooling. All results can be read simultaneously on one screen
                  • Tightness test: Recording and analysis of the pressure curve
                  • Automatic calculation of the target superheat (in conjunction with the appropriate measuring instrument, e.g. Testo Smart Probe)
                  • Measure vacuum: Graphic progression display of the measurement with indication of the start and differential value
                  • Evacuation: Graphic progression display of the measurement with indication of the start and differential value (in conjunction with the appropriate Testo Smart Probe, e.g. testo 552i vacuum probe)
                  testo 550s