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Digitalni manometri

Poleg strokovnega znanja, za obsežno ocenjevanje in pravilno uravnavanje hladilnega ali klimatizacijskega sistema potrebujemo predvsem natančne merilne vrednosti. In prav na tem področju Testova digitalna tehnologija za merjenje pri hladilnih sistemih dokazuje svojo vrednost že leta.

Digitalna meritev je boljša: le-to lahko izvede Testo manometer

  • Veliko natančnejši merilni rezultati z bolj dosledno natančnostjo, kot z analognimi manometri.

  • Redno posodabljanje hladilnih sredstev.

  • Samodejni izračun temeljnih sistemskih parametrov.

  • Enostavna uporaba manometra in Testovih Smart Probes s pomočjo aplikacije in Bluetootha.

Digitalni razdelilnik iz Testo

Pametna rešitev za hladna dela brez napora.

Praktičen vodič:

Refrigeration knowledge in three modules

Download the exclusive practical guide for free now.

To download

Module 1: Understanding refrigeration systems

Evaluating refrigerants


Main components of the compression refrigeration circuit

Subcooling / Superheating

And much more ...

Pravi merilni instrument za vsako uporabo.

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What customers say about Testo digital manifolds

What else I would like to say to other installers, the device really saves a lot of time, you don't have to take as much stuff with you, you don't have to do as much yourself, because the testo 557s does everything for you.

Tom Siben


Service technician at Lennox

In the past, we had to work with analogue measuring devices and needed a notepad and we needed external temperature sensors. Testo has now incorporated all of this into a single device. This makes it much easier and much quicker for us to satisfy the customer with the performance of their device.

Peter van Vliet



My first impression is very positive, a very nice, new measuring set, the purchase of which you certainly won't regret as a cooling technician. I don't think any other brand can compete.

Marco Slump


Owner of Slump Heating and Refrigeration, Appingedam (NL)

testo Smart App

One App for all applications

The testo Smart App guides you quickly and easily through measurements on refrigeration, air conditioning and heating systems.

Now new:

PRO measuring programs for increasing the efficiency of your applications

Izvedite več.


Združljiva z vsemi merilnimi instrumenti z Bluetoothom


Direct report dispatch by e-mail


All measurement values at a glance


Intuitive measurement menus


Free download, free use


PRO measuring programs

testo Smart Probes

Podpora pri vsakodnevnem delu z digitalnimi pripomočki za montažo.

Perfect interaction between our digital manifolds and our NEW refrigerant scale testo 560i

Svetovna inovacija - digitalna tehtnica za hladilno sredstvo testo 560i

  • Automatic filling of refrigeration systems and heat pumps by intelligent valve

  • Easy and wireless with the digital manifolds and the testo Smart App

  • Handy and compact

Drugi merilni instrumenti za profesionalce, ki se ukvarjajo s hladilnimi, klimatskimi ali ogrevalnimi sistemi

Več merilnikov tlaka iz podjetja Testo