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  3. Measurement of indoor air quality and comfort levels

CO2, CO, light, sound and rpm

Regular measurement of indoor air quality and comfort levels in workplaces enables the exact setting of the indoor climate and reduces the risk of staff shortages due to illness. Indoor air quality and comfort level measurement therefore also leads to fostering better staff performance.

  • The CO₂ content of the area is used as a measure of the air quality.

  • The indoor climate is also determined by the prevailing light conditions in the area. Monitoring these light conditions and measuring the lux level are therefore an important part of comfort level measurement in the workplace.

  • Almost everybody has come across this: background noises which easily prevent you from working and from concentrating on something. Če je na delovnem mestu raven hrupa visoka, je zmanjšanja učinkovitost osebja - ne glede na to, ali obremenitev s hrupom povzroča oprema ali sodelavci.

  • Applications for speed meters are multi-faceted. In addition to rpm measurement of rotating objects, the speed or length of conveyor belts and goods sold by the metre can also be measured using contact measurement via a measuring wheel. There is also the possibility of determining the rpm of rotating objects without contact using a reflection mark and a light beam emitted by the instrument.

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Measurement of indoor air quality and comfort levels

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Indoor air quality and comfort level in the workplace

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What does indoor air quality mean?

Nadzorovanje kakovosti zraka v zaprtih prostorih:

What is thermal comfort level?

Reasons for using measuring technology

Actions taken by a measuring technology technician in the event of a complaint

And much more ...

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Izvedite več.


Združljiva z vsemi merilnimi instrumenti z Bluetoothom


Direct report dispatch by e-mail


All measurement values at a glance


Intuitive measurement menus


Free download, free use


PRO measuring programs