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    CO prob başlığı

    0632 1270
    18252,00TRY 21902,40TRY
  1. Intuitive: determine CO concentrations in indoor areas, e.g. in boiler rooms
  2. Precise: long-term stable electrochemical sensor
  3. Convenient: probe head is easy to attach to the universal handle with Bluetooth or cable (available to order separately)
  4. Intelligent calibration concept: only send in the probe head for calibration
  5. More applications, less equipment: if you already own one of our probes with a universal handle, you can easily expand your portfolio of probes with the CO probe head.

    CO probe head including calibration protocol.

  6. CO probe (digital), wired
    CO probu (dijital) - wired
      0632 1272
      22171,50TRY 26605,80TRY
    • CO probe (digital) with Bluetooth®
      CO probu (dijital) - with Bluetooth®
        0632 1271
        24277,50TRY 29133,00TRY
      • CO2 probe (digital) including temperature and humidity sensor, wired
        CO₂ probu (dijital) - sıcaklık ve nem sensörü dahil, kablolu
          0632 1552
          30654,00TRY 36784,80TRY
        • CO2 probe (digital) with Bluetooth® including temperature and humidity sensor
          CO₂ probu (dijital) - Bluetooth® ile sıcaklık ve nem sensörü dahil
            0632 1551
            32877,00TRY 39452,40TRY
          • Humidity/temperature probe (digital), wired
            Nem/sıcaklık probu (dijital) - wired
              0636 9732
              9828,00TRY 11793,60TRY
            • Humidity/temperature probe (digital) with Bluetooth®
              Nem/sıcaklık probu (dijital) - Bluetooth® ile 
                0636 9731
                12168,00TRY 14601,60TRY
              • Vane probe (Ø 16 mm, digital) including temperature sensor, wired
                Pervane prob (Ø 16 mm, dijital) - sıcaklık sensörü dahil, kablolu
                  0635 9572
                  49023,00TRY 58827,60TRY
                • Vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) including temperature sensor, wired
                  Pervane probu (Ø 100 mm, dijital) - sıcaklık sensörü dahil, kablolu
                    0635 9432
                    26793,00TRY 32151,60TRY
                  • Vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) with Bluetooth® including temperature sensor
                    Pervane probu (Ø 100 mm, dijital) - sıcaklık sensörü dahil Bluetooth® ile
                      0635 9431
                      28899,00TRY 34678,80TRY
                    • Vane probe (Ø 16 mm, digital) with Bluetooth®, including temperature sensor
                      Pervane probu (Ø 16 mm, dijital) - Sıcaklık sensörü dahil Bluetooth® ile 
                        0635 9571
                        50485,50TRY 60582,60TRY
                      • Universal Bluetooth® handle for connecting probe heads
                        Prob başlıklarını bağlamak için genel Bluetooth®lu tutacak
                          0554 1111
                          6158,25TRY 7389,90TRY
                        • Universal cable handle for connecting probe heads
                          Prob başlıklarını bağlamak için genel kablolu tutacak
                            0554 2222
                            4191,75TRY 5030,10TRY
                          • Hot wire probe (digital) with Bluetooth® including temperature and humidity sensor
                            Sıcak tel probu (dijital) - Bluetooth®lu, sıcaklık ve nem sensörü içerir
                              0635 1571
                              48145,50TRY 57774,60TRY
                            • Hot wire probe (digital) including temperature and humidity sensor, wired
                              Sıcak tel probu (dijital) - sıcaklık ve nem sensörü dahil, kablolu
                                0635 1572
                                46741,50TRY 56089,80TRY
                              • High-precision humidity/temperature probe (digital) with Bluetooth®
                                Yüksek hassasiyetli nem/sıcaklık probu (dijital) - with Bluetooth®
                                  0636 9771
                                  31005,00TRY 37206,00TRY
                                • High-precision humidity/temperature probe (digital), wired
                                  Yüksek hassasiyetli nem/sıcaklık probu (dijital) - wired
                                    0636 9772
                                    29074,50TRY 34889,40TRY
                                  • High-precision vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) including temperature sensor, wired
                                    Yüksek hassasiyetli pervane prob (Ø 100 mm, dijital) - sıcaklık sensörü dahil, kablolu
                                      0635 9372
                                      50661,00TRY 60793,20TRY
                                    • High-precision vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) with Bluetooth® including temperature sensor
                                      Yüksek hassasiyetli pervane prob (Ø 100 mm, dijital) - sıcaklık sensörü dahil Bluetooth® ile
                                        0635 9371
                                        53001,00TRY 63601,20TRY
                                      • testo 400 İHK ve konfor seti (datalogger ve tripodlu)
                                          0563 0402
                                        • testo 440 Air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument
                                          testo 440 - Hava hızı ve iç hava kalitesi ölçüm cihazı
                                            0560 4401
                                            18009,00TRY 21610,80TRY
                                          • testo 440 16 mm Vane Kit
                                            testo 440 - Hava hızı ve iç hava kalitesi ölçüm seti, Ø16 mm pervane problu 
                                              0563 4401
                                              28980,00TRY 34776,00TRY
                                            • testo 440 100 mm Vane Kit with Bluetooth®
                                              testo 440 Bluetooth®'lu 100 mm Pervane Seti
                                                0563 4403
                                                37001,25TRY 44401,50TRY
                                              • testo 440 CO2 Kit with Bluetooth®
                                                testo 440 Bluetooth®'lu CO₂ Seti
                                                  0563 4405
                                                  39847,50TRY 47817,00TRY
                                                • testo 440 Air Flow ComboKit 1 with Bluetooth®t 1 with Bluetooth
                                                  testo 440 Bluetooth®'lu Hava Hızı ComboSet 1
                                                    0563 4406
                                                    50145,75TRY 60174,90TRY
                                                  • testo 440 Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth®
                                                    testo 440 Bluetooth®'lu Hava Hızı ComboSet 2
                                                      0563 4407
                                                      53043,75TRY 63652,50TRY
                                                    • testo 440 Indoor Comfort ComboKit with Bluetooth®
                                                      testo 440 Bluetooth®'lu Konfor ComboSet
                                                        0563 4408
                                                        88285,50TRY 105942,60TRY
                                                      • testo 440 Humidity Kit with Bluetooth®
                                                        testo 440 Bluetooth®'lu Nem Seti
                                                          0563 4404
                                                          23287,50TRY 27945,00TRY
                                                        • testo 440 Lux Kit
                                                          testo 440 Lüks Seti
                                                            0563 4402
                                                            32343,75TRY 38812,50TRY
                                                          • testo 440 Hot Wire Kit
                                                            testo 440 Sıcak Tel Seti
                                                              0563 4400
                                                              28566,00TRY 34279,20TRY
                                                            • testo 440 dP Air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument including differential pressure sensor
                                                              testo 440 dP - Fark basınç sensörü içeren hava hızı ve iç hava kalitesi ölçüm cihazı
                                                                0560 4402
                                                                24322,50TRY 29187,00TRY
                                                              • testo 440 Delta P Air Flow ComboKit 1 with Bluetooth®
                                                                testo 440 delta P Bluetooth®'lu Hava Hızı ComboSet 1
                                                                  0563 4409
                                                                  79539,75TRY 95447,70TRY
                                                                • testo 440 Delta P Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth®
                                                                  testo 440 delta P Bluetooth®'lu Hava Hızı ComboSet 2
                                                                    0563 4410
                                                                    85335,75TRY 102402,90TRY
                                                                  • testo 440 Laboratory kit
                                                                    testo 440 laboratuvar seti
                                                                      0563 4412
                                                                    • testo 400 Universal IAQ instrument
                                                                      testo 400 - Çok amaçlı iç hava kalitesi (İHK) ölçüm cihazı 
                                                                        0560 0400
                                                                      • testo 400 air flow kit with 16 mm vane probe
                                                                        testo 400 hava akış seti - 16 mm pervane problu
                                                                          0563 0400 72
                                                                        • testo 400 air flow kit with hot wire probe
                                                                          testo 400 hava akış seti - sıcak tel problu
                                                                            0563 0400 71
                                                                          • testo 400 IAQ and comfort kit with tripod
                                                                            testo 400 çok amaçlı iç hava kalitesi (IHK) ölçüm cihazı ve konfor seti - tripodlu
                                                                              0563 0401
                                                                            • Ortam CO

                                                                              Ölçüm aralığı
                                                                              100,1 … 500 ppm
                                                                              0 … 100 ppm
                                                                              ±5 ppm (30,1 … 100 ppm)
                                                                              ±3 ppm (0 … 30 ppm)
                                                                              ±10 % ölç.değ. (100,1 … 500 ppm)
                                                                              0,1 ppm

                                                                              Genel teknik bilgiler

                                                                              Depolama sıcaklığı
                                                                              (recommended: +10 … +30 °C)
                                                                              -5 … +50 °C
                                                                              25 g
                                                                              70 x 30 x 30 mm
                                                                              Çalışma sıcaklığı
                                                                              -5 … +50 °C
                                                                              Prob şaftı uzunluğu
                                                                              30 mm
                                                                              Probe head diameter
                                                                              30 mm
                                                                              Product colour