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    3. Testo sound level meter for the highest requirements

    Sound level meter

    Testo's sound level meters are flexible to use. Count on high-precision measurement results and simple, practical application. For example, in the living environment, building services or on air conditioning and ventilation systems.

    Testo sound level meter for the highest requirements

    Testo sound level meters are also ideal for workplace and compliance measurements in the environmental protection field or in trade and industry.

    What a Testo decibel meter offers you:

    • Standard-compliant and precise sound level measurements. This is how to comply with work and emission protection.

    • It is portable and handy and so can be used quickly and easily.

    • Large variety of models: also available the sound level meter with data logger functionality and upto 31,000 readings.

    • Perfect networking via USB. Simply connect to the PC and automatically analyze data.

    • Comprehensive accessories, such as wind protection, microphone, software for data management and long-term measurement, sound level calibrator and lots more.

    The ideal sound level meter – precisely designed for your application

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    Would you like to measure indoors or outdoors? Find your ideal sound level meter.

    Sound meter – standard-compliant & high-precision

    Statutory standards apply to the field of sound level measurement in workplaces and public spaces. Make sure the configuration of your sound level meter is set up for accuracy classes 0 – 2. This enables a higher level of accuracy to be ensured. Testo's certified sound level meters are ideally suited for noise measurement in workplaces and public spaces.

    Testo DB meter according to the current IEC 61672-1 standard

    The currently valid IEC 61672-1 standard replaced the old IEC 60651 standard a few years ago. The Testo sound level meters that are certified according to this standard guarantee even higher accuracy.

    All-round correct use of sound level meters

    Sound level measurement allows the volume of noises to be assessed objectively. With a Testo sound level meter, you also have the ideal instrument for high-precision noise level measurement. This also means you can introduce the appropriate measures to reduce noise emissions based on the correct readings.

    Find out important details for correct measurements with your sound level meter here:

    Four facts about sound which you should know:

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