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  3. Thermal imagers for heating construction

Leak detection

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The thermal imager system for heating constructors.

Leakage detection with testo Thermal Imagers

Checking heating systems, locating hidden water pipes, and detecting leaks – for all these challenges, you need reliable tools. Tools like the professional thermal imagers from Testo.

Our thermal imagers, manufactured in Germany, stand out thanks to reliable brand quality and support:

  • Evaluating mold risk according to the traffic light principle

  • Streaming of thermal images to mobile devices

  • Intuitive documentation

Of course, testo Thermal Imagers also support you in the thermographic inspection of buildings.
More on building thermography here.

testo 883 Thermal Imaging Camera for building energy consulting

More information

The thermal imager for leak detection: Everything reliably in view

Evaluate mold risk: Humidity image

  • Directly in the thermal image

  • Intuitively according to the traffic light principle

  • Radio humidity probe can be integrated

Perfect for entry-level users and all-rounders.

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Practical guide: Thermography in heating construction

  • Detect leaks

  • Check radiators

  • How quickly a camera pays for itself



Brochure: Building Thermography

  • Applications

  • Technologies

  • Model overview

More knowledge – better measurements

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