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    Robust humidity/temperature probe (digital) - for temperatures up to +180 °C, wired

    0636 9775
    2 550,00 Zł 3 136,50 Zł
  1. Intuitive: clearly structured measurement menu for long-term measurement and parallel determination of relative humidity and air temperature in industrial exhaust air, bulk goods and climatic test cabinets
  2. Precise: calculation of wet bulb temperature, dew point and absolute humidity
  3. Robust: suitable for measurements in harsh environmental conditions up to +180 °C
  4. Intelligent calibration concept
  5. For measurements in industrial exhaust air, in bulk materials and in climatic test cabinets: use the robust humidity/temperature probe (with the compatible measuring instrument) to measure relative humidity and air temperature up to +180 °C.
    Use the robust humidity/temperature probe with the compatible testo multifunction measuring instrument (please order separately) to measure relative humidity and air temperature. Absolute humidity, wet bulb temperature and dew point are calculated at the same time.


    Robust humidity/temperature probe – features and areas of application

    Use the fixed cable to connect the probe to the measuring instrument.

    Particularly useful: store individual readings directly in the measuring instrument by pressing the button on the probe. The clearly structured measurement menu for long-term measurement enables the measuring instrument to be operated intuitively. Reading trends are reliably recorded thanks to the convenient input of measurement time and measuring cycle.

    The robust humidity/temperature probe was specifically designed for use in sophisticated production and treatment processes. The screwable PTFE sintered filter is highly resistant to aggressive media and is water-repellent, and reliably protects the humidity and temperature sensor. The probe can be used in dusty atmospheres, at high air velocity and under mechanical stress: for example, for measurements in industrial exhaust air (during drying processes), in bulk materials and in climatic test cabinets.

    Intelligent calibration concept

    You will get exceptionally accurate measurement results with the digital humidity/temperature probe, because the measuring instrument makes measurement uncertainty a thing of the past. You only need to send the probe in for calibration – so the measuring instrument remains in continuous use.

    Robust humidity/temperature probe with fixed cable (cable length 1.4 m) and calibration protocol.

    Please do not use the probe in condensing atmospheres. For continuous application in high-humidity ranges
        > 80% RH at ≤ 30 °C for > 12 h
        > 60% RH at > 30 °C for > 12 h
    please contact Testo Service or contact us via the Testo website.

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                                        • Pomiar temperatury - Pt1000

                                          Zakres pomiarowy
                                          -20 do +180 °C
                                          ±0,5 °C (+50,1 do +180 °C)
                                          ±0,5 °C (-20 do 0 °C)
                                          ±0,4 °C (+0,1 do +50 °C)
                                          0,1 °C

                                          Wilgotność - czujnik pojemnościowy

                                          Zakres pomiarowy
                                          0 do 100 %RH
                                          ±3 %RH (0 do 2 %RH)
                                          ±2 %RH (2,1 do 98 %RH)
                                          ±0,06 % wilg. wzg./K (+50 do +180 °C) (k=1)
                                          ±3 %RH (98 do 100 %RH)
                                          ±0,03 % wilg. wzg./K (-20 do +50 °C) (k=1)
                                          Stabilność długoterminowa: ±1 %RH / year
                                          0,1 %RH

                                          Ogólne dane techniczne

                                          Temperatura składowania
                                          -20 do +60 °C
                                          255 g
                                          420 x 50 x 40 mm
                                          Temperatura pracy
                                          -5 do +50 °C
                                          Długość kabla
                                          1,4 m
                                          Średnica sondy
                                          12 mm
                                          Długość próbnika
                                          270 mm
                                          Kolor produktu